Change Starts With Me

I want to share a true story. This happened to me nearly 10 years ago. I was conducting a workshop and one of the participants was being extremely disruptive. I was so stressed out that I nearly lost it. Watch the video to find out how how I handled it.

First Time Vlogging In Public

My first time EVER. I was waiting for my wife to finish her shopping and I just decided to switch the camera on and start vlogging. Of course I though everyone was watching but in truth, nobody cared. So I’m a happy camper. Big lesson. Check exposure and white balance.

Vlog 002 – Setting Direction

This vlog is about setting direction as to where I want this channel to go. I googled on checklists and items to think about when starting a YouTube Channel and I came accross this article It gave me some things that I need to start thinking about including: Step 1 – Choose Your AudienceStep …

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